Things to note when buying airline tickets
- Check your full name information is correct before booking tickets
Before deciding to “book a ticket”, please make sure that the full name you have provided is exactly as shown in your Passport or Citizen identification card. Although it is possible to correct the name in some cases, this will cost you a lot of time.
- Check carefully the ticket issuance deadline
When making a reservation, you will be provided with a reservation number and air ticket issuance deadline. If after this time limit you do not pay for the ticket, the reservation number will be automatically canceled.
- Learn carefully about taxes, fees and surcharges included with ticket prices
Normally, airfare prices do not include taxes, fees and surcharges. Besides, the ticket price at the time of your reference is only valid at the same time. If you book a ticket later, the ticket price may increase or decrease.
- Learn carefully about the accompanying ticket conditions
Besides the ticket price, you also need to carefully learn about the accompanying ticket conditions such as refunds, cancel reservations, ticket changes, baggage conditions… This will help you be more proactive during the flight as well as how to handle when problems arise.
- Remember to book early
You should have a specific plan and schedule to book tickets early. Good ticket prices are very few and sell out quickly. Therefore, if you hesitate or do not have a specific plan, it will be difficult for you to own a plane ticket at a satisfactory price.
Check-in time before the flight
– For domestic flights in the normal season (not on holidays): Please arrive at the airport 90 minutes before the flight time for check-in, the check-in counter will close 60 minutes before flight departure time. You need to bring one of the following documents to check in before flying:
+ Identification documents: Citizen identification card (not more than 15 years old), Driver’s license, Passport, Party membership card…
+ For children under 14 years old, an original birth certificate or a certified copy is required.
+ For children from 14 years old who have not yet made a citizen identification card, use an identity card is valid for 30 days.
+ For newborns: If you do not have a birth certificate, use a certificate of birth valid within 30 days.
– For international flights, you need to be at the airport 150 minutes in advance to check-in. To learn more about the visa and entry regulations of each country, please refer to the information on the website of the International Air Transport Association (IATA)
Prohibited items for carriage in carry-on and checked baggage
- Explosives (gunpowder, fireworks, grenades,…) and items containing explosives.
- Flammable Items (such as gasoline, alcoholic beverages over 70%, kerosene,…)
- Radioactive, Infectious, Toxic Substances, Corrosives (Bleacher, Oxidizers, Mercury,…) and related items
Items prohibited in carry-on baggage but allowed in checked baggage
- Sharp objects, weapons (such as knives, scissors, darts, etc.)
- Firearms, parts of firearms, ammunitions, stun guns, imitation firearms, toy guns or weapon-like toys/items. However, to get these items checked in, passengers are required to obtain a permit from a competent authority.
- Tools or things which can cause injuries such as crowbars, shovels, drills/screwdrivers, blow torches, blades or shafts longer than 6 cm, wrenches, spanners, and pliers longer than 10cm in total length, etc.
- Bats (baseball, billiards), hockey sticks, golf clubs, martial art items, batons, self-defense sprays (mace/pepper) etc.
Items should not be checked in
- Valuable items such as money, jewelry, cameras, camcorders, personal computers, mobile phones, electronic devices, precious metals, precious stones, electronic devices, papers of value converted into money, securities, negotiation documents, contracts, business documents, samples, and identification documents should be carried in carry-on baggage and should not be checked in, to avoid damage or loss.
- Other dangerous items (such as Lithium batteries >160W/h, >2.5kg of dry ice…).